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ownCloud 10 and Kiteworks Announce Limited-time Offer to Upgrade to Kiteworks Hardened Virtual Appliance 

If you’re an ownCloud 10 or Nextcloud customer, either paid or free through the open-source community, it is time to level up at no additional cost to you. Transition to Kiteworks for a security-first approach that empowers your organization. Don’t simply meet industry standards; define them. With Kiteworks, you’re not just upgrading your security. You’re revolutionizing it.* 

Elevate Your Data Security with Unprecedented Protection 

In today’s digital ecosystem, your data is only as secure as the measures you take to protect it. Kiteworks’ Hardened Virtual Appliance is a security fortress designed to safeguard your most sensitive information from the ground up.   

Built with DevSecOps at the Core  

Our security begins in the earliest stages of development. With comprehensive DevSecOps practices, we “shift left” to integrate security from the start of development. Our robust approach includes both automated and manual penetration testing, which is supplemented with bounty programs that challenge white and black hat hackers to strengthen our defenses. 

Minimized Exposure, Maximized Defense  

We’ve engineered the Kiteworks’ Hardened Virtual Appliance to minimize your attack surface and shield your perimeter. With an embedded network firewall and web application firewall (WAF), we block threats at the door. Our intrusion and anomaly detection systems also stand as active guards, continually monitoring for any signs of a breach.   

A Zero-trust, Assume-breach Architecture

Our Zero Trust architecture assumes breaches and contains them. We sandbox open-source libraries, partition components, and ensure that keys are customer-owned and never within our reach. With no Kiteworks access to keys, coupled with double encryption at the file and disk levels, your private content remains just that—private. 

Proactive Security That Adapts to Emerging Threats 

The dynamic landscape of cybersecurity demands proactive security to stay ahead of cyber risks. Kiteworks doesn’t merely respond to threats; we anticipate them. Our Hardened Virtual Appliance receives automatic security upgrades and patches, ensuring your system is protected against the latest vulnerabilities. 

Case Study in Superior Security: The Log4Shell Vulnerability 

In the face of the notorious Log4Shell vulnerability, the security capabilities of Kiteworks’ Hardened Virtual Appliance were proven. While Log4Shell received a maximum severity score (CVSS) of 10, it was reduced to 4 under the umbrella of the Hardened Virtual Appliance. This shows how our layered security strategy mitigates risk, even in the face of the most severe CVSS assessments. 

Kiteworks’ Implementation of CISA’s “Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-by Design and - Default”

Need more proof? Learn how Kiteworks stacks up to the requirements of CISA’s “Secure By Design” Guide that outlines best practices for secure software development and deployment. The answer: We check all the boxes in spades.





Kiteworks uses a hardened virtual appliance, no uninvited access to files, a comprehensive audit log for consolidated reporting, really big file transfer size, and multiple deployment options. Nextcloud doesn't. Read the Kiteworks vs. Nextcloud Comparative Guide for the details.


*Offer Terms and Conditions: For current ownCloud 10 and Nextcloud customers, they can migrate to Kiteworks on a like-for-like basis: retaining the same number of license seats for the same annual fee the customer now pays for ownCloud 10 or Nextcloud. Kiteworks will facilitate the migration at no additional cost to the customer. 

 For current ownCloud 10 and Nextcloud community users, i.e., non-paying users, for a period of three months, they can migrate to Kiteworks at no cost. Extensions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis should the community user require additional time. After this initial period, to retain its license to Kiteworks, the community user must convert to a paying customer. 

For current ownCloud 10 and Nextcloud customers and community users, the foregoing is subject to the customer’s acceptance of the Kiteworks standard end user license agreement. All new Kiteworks installations are subject to acceptance and approval of the customer by Kiteworks.  

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